The Name “Chickenfeet” explained

Every single time that I have had a face-to-face meeting with anyone travelling with us or interested in working with us, after getting through the formalities, the question of “Why Chickenfeet? It’s such a unique/funny/weird name…” comes up.

There are three sides to any story: mine, yours (in this case Simon’s), and the truth. 

Here is my version:

After a few weeks of hashing out the basics of whether we should start a travel company, the next obvious, most important thing was our name. We were thinking about something subtle and clever, something along the lines of 53rd Weekend, because if you had just one more weekend in the year, what would you do with it? Then we shifted to let’s go as random as possible. And then it just appeared. 

We were slurping away at our phos (Vietnamese Noodle Soup), Simon’s being meaty and mine being veggo. He had a reaction to what he found in his soup and my immediate reaction was “What’s in there? Insides? Blood and guts? Chicken feet?” and then Simon says that’s it “Chicken Feet Travels”. 

That’s my version. When people ask me, I say that we found it at the bottom of a bowl of pho. And when I started looking into it, all these little coincidences lined up, the best one being the Singlish definition of “chicken feet.”

Chicken feet is the English equivalent of “piece of cake.” And that’s what we wanted: to make adventure travel easier, a piece of cake, for everyone. In general, it's quite an iconic cuisine in this region. And it’s gross and kind of unforgettable. There’s a certain stickiness and hilarity to it that attracts people’s attention and stays in their minds.

And lastly, chicken feet is an acquired taste, disgusting to most but for those who truly know how to appreciate it, they really love it. Just like our adventures…


Conserve | Trash Hero


When Jin Met Simon